When Chickens Escape: Deux

So it was fairly surprising when Graham heard our rooster crow for the first time (given that he was on the roof and he has a habit of falling off those we count ourselves fortunate he was not too too surprised). Sure enough the free chick that Murray McMurray threw in the box with our order turned out to be a male. A male going through puberty it would seem since his "crows" sound like a balloon slowly deflating. Anyways, since we don't want fertilized eggs we took him away from the girls and put him in a separate fenced enclosure...which he promptly and rather impressively flew out of. Now we have a rooster running around the yard, making awkward sounds and waiting outside of any door he has seen us recently use. Overall he makes an excellent addition to the atmosphere; we are keeping our fingers crossed for his health and survival!

Chicks So Fly

Please welcome the newest members of the Broken Chimney Farm family!

Barred Rocks, Amercaunas, and Sultans - the starting point for a variety of egg colors and a fun looking flock. We ordered them months ago from Murray McMurray Hatchery and have been waiting for this day ever since. We put up a cute video of these girls over on instagram @brokenchimneyfarm - check it out!